The NSW war on festivals will not solve drugs-related deaths

2021-10-25T21:05:23+10:00February 10th, 2019|Blog, Featured|

Festivals are an easy target when the media get involved and politicians have to be seen to be taking action. Politicians have a short term in office and sadly the come up with short term solutions for long term problems The NSW government can't openly say we are going to [...]

10 tips how you can get work experience while you study and why its important

2023-02-07T22:03:57+10:00December 19th, 2017|Blog, Featured|

Over a third of recruiters who took part in the research done by Hifghfliers repeated their warnings from previous years – that graduates who have had no previous work experience at all are unlikely to be successful during the selection process and have little to no chance of receiving a [...]

Stakeholder Management

2021-07-12T12:14:38+10:00March 23rd, 2017|Administration, Blog, Featured|

Stakeholder management is the process of actively and effectively involving and engaging people, organisations or groups that have interest and are of direct or indirect benefits to the event, in all matters of the event. This includes the events’ organisers, service providers and suppliers, the government and its agencies, sponsors, [...]

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