Festivals are an easy target when the media get involved and politicians have to be seen to be taking action. Politicians have a short term in office and sadly the come up with short term solutions for long term problems

The NSW government can’t openly say we are going to ban festivals otherwise there would be a lot of commercial events that could not run. What they’re doing instead is making you pay a police tax/permit fee that most events can’t afford. Their hands are now politically cleaned, look at what we have done Mr Media, I hope you will be nice to us next election.” It’s been handballed to the promoters as it’s their fault for not meeting the permit requirements

Festival events are just a microcosm of what’s happening in society. They highlight the real issue our community faces. Drugs are a massive issue in our society, I’m talking about both kinds of drugs legal and illegal. Our body can’t tell the difference between an illegal drug and legal drug.

The NSW solution is to just kill festivals like most chemotherapy, but time has proven it will resurface in a different form like underground parties, illegal bush doofs, house parties and clubs. As a civilised culture, we have moved out of survival mode where we needed to go hunting or grow crops to survive. We have built a massive castle wall around us and for the most part, we are living in a time where it is the safest and most abundant time ever. The survival skills were once taught by the harshness of nature are no longer valid and they have not been replaced with new more updated ones. So, our castle walls have kept us safe from the outside and given us all the food and shelter we need but we have not learned the skills to deal with the demons on the inside. Mental health is where the NSW government needs to focus its energy.

All Governments need to provide support services at these festivals and research a model that can work for the greater community as well. If the Government takes the attitude that we can learn from the festival culture, then the knowledge learnt can be introduced into all levels of schooling and work culture. In a world where we all suffer so greatly, the education and support I believe that is needed is to learn how to find joy in every step we take. Drugs have never been the problem the government are just treating this illness like the medical profession do. Take this pharmaceutical drug it will fix everything for a couple of days and come back and buy some more when they run out, instead of finding out what caused the problem in the first place. I feel most people are taking drugs and un-consciously are solving their own problems and coming to their own realisations about the mysteries of their world and making the unconscious problem conscious. Sadly, some are too far gone and can’t be saved..

A Poem.A cry for help
Our society is sick and our culture has taught us to take drugs to fix all problems please don’t punish us by taking away the one thing that keeps us sane, for it was you that taught us to take drugs to ease our pain, , we need another solution one that is kinder, open to listening, holistic in nature and that treats the cause, not the symptoms. Please help me ease our pain.